Faculty-wise E-Contents

# Faculty / Author Department Programme Course Code Course Title E-Content
1SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (2 Year)22GE2PC11Urban Geography
2SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (2 Year)22GE2PC11Urban Geography
3SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (2 Year)22GE2PC11Urban Geography
4SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (2 Year)22GE2PC06Applied Climatology
5SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (2 Year)22GE2PC06Applied Climatology
6SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) GC092Urban Geography
7SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) GC092Urban Geography
8SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) GC092Urban Geography
9SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) GC081Applied Climatology
10SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) GC081Applied Climatology
11SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) VAC-IIIGeochemistry
12SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) VAC-IIIGeochemistry
13SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) VAC-IIIGeochemistry
14SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) GC043Economic and Industrial Geography
15SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) GC055Biogeography
16SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (2 Year)22GE2PC15Disaster Studies
17SIVA KUMAR PDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) GC102Disaster Studies