Course-wise E-Contents

# Course Programme Count
1Data Structures and AlgorithmM.C.A.1
2Advanced Operating SystemM.C.A.1
3Optimization TechniquesM.C.A.1
4Python ProgrammingM.C.A.1
5Cryptography& Networks SecurityM.C.A.5
6Elective – IM.C.A.1
7Elective – IIM.C.A.1
8Mobile Application DevelopmentM.C.A.5
9Artificial Intelligence & Machine LearningM.C.A.3
10Cloud ComputingM.C.A.1
11Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceM.Sc. Artificial Intelligence2
12Design & Analysis of AlgorithmsM.Sc. Artificial Intelligence1
13Elective–IM.Sc. Artificial Intelligence1
14Machine LearningM.Sc. Artificial Intelligence1
15Data VisualizationM.Sc. Artificial Intelligence1
16Deep LearningM.Sc. Artificial Intelligence1
17Big Data AnalyticsM.Sc. Artificial Intelligence1
18Mathematical Foundation of Computer ScienceM.Sc. Computer Science1
19Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsM.Sc. Computer Science2
20Advanced Operating SystemsM.Sc. Computer Science7
21Advanced Database Management SystemM.Sc. Computer Science1
22Cryptography and Network SecurityM.Sc. Computer Science5
23Machine Learning (or) Digital Image Processing (or) Natural Language ProcessingM.Sc. Computer Science2
24Agile TechnologyM.Sc. Computer Science2
25Big data AnalyticsM.Sc. Computer Science11
26Internet of Things/Block Chain Technology/Embedded SystemsM.Sc. Computer Science2
27Theory of Computing (or) Optimization Techniques (or) Statistical ComputingM.Sc. Computer Science1
28Principles of Data ScienceM.Sc. Data Science2
29Mathematical Foundation for Data Science M.Sc. Data Science1
30Problem solving using Python M.Sc. Data Science1
31Database SystemsM.Sc. Data Science3
32Artificial Intelligence & Machine LearningM.Sc. Data Science1
33Big Data Analytics Framework M.Sc. Data Science1
34Principles of Deep LearningM.Sc. Data Science9
35Elective-IVM.Sc. Data Science1
36Chemistry of Bio MoleculesM.Sc. Biochemistry5
37EnzymologyM.Sc. Biochemistry5
38Analytical BiochemistryM.Sc. Biochemistry4
39Food Process technologyM.Sc. Biochemistry4
40Intermediary MetabolismM.Sc. Biochemistry5
41Molecular BiologyM.Sc. Biochemistry2
42Biochemistry of Signal TransductionM.Sc. Biochemistry5
43ImmunologyM.Sc. Biochemistry5
44Genetic EngineeringM.Sc. Biochemistry5
45Clinical BiochemistryM.Sc. Biochemistry6
46Value addition in FoodM.Sc. Biochemistry5
47Cell Biology M.Sc. Biochemistry6
48Chromatin and EpigeneticsM.Sc. Biochemistry12
49Bio-entrepreneurshipM.Sc. Biochemistry5
55IMMUNOLOGYM.Sc. Microbiology1
58EXTREMOPHILESM.Sc. Microbiology2
60Structure and Function of InvertebratesM.Sc. Zoology1
61Cell BiologyM.Sc. Zoology1
62Biomolecules and Structural BiologyM.Sc. Zoology1
63Genetics and EvolutionM.Sc. Zoology1
64Comparative Anatomy of VertebratesM.Sc. Zoology1
65Developmental BiologyM.Sc. Zoology1
66Molecular BiologyM.Sc. Zoology1
67Environmental BiologyM.Sc. Zoology1
68Aquaculture and Fisheries M.Sc. Zoology1
69Reproductive Technology M.Sc. Zoology1
70Sericulture Technology M.Sc. Zoology1
71General MicrobiologyM.Sc. Zoology1
72Biology of Immune systemM.Sc. Zoology1
73Animal Physiology M.Sc. Zoology1
74Genomics and Proteomics M.Sc. Zoology1
75Cancer Biology M.Sc. Zoology1
76Integrated Farming Management M.Sc. Zoology1
77Molecular EvolutionM.Sc. Zoology1
78BioinstrumentationM.Sc. Zoology1
79Medical Parasitology M.Sc. Zoology1
80BiostatisticsM.Sc. Zoology1
81Test, Measurement and Evaluation in Physical EducationM.P.Ed.5
82Physiology of ExerciseM.P.Ed.5
83Yogic SciencesM.P.Ed.5
84Sports TechnologyM.P.Ed.5
85Applied Statistics in Physical EducationM.P.Ed.5
86Sports Biomechanics and KinesiologyM.P.Ed.5
87Research process in Physical Education & Sports SciencesM.P.Ed.5
88Sports Journalism and Mass MediaM.P.Ed.5
89Scientific principles of Sports trainingM.P.Ed.6
90Sports MedicineM.P.Ed.5
91Sports Management and Curriculum Designs in Physical EducationM.P.Ed.5
92Physical Fitness and WellnessM.P.Ed.5
93ICT in Physical EducationM.P.Ed.5
94Sports PsychologyM.P.Ed.5
95Value and Environmental EducationM.P.Ed.5
96History, Principles and Foundation of Physical EducationB.P.Ed.5
97Anatomy and PhysiologyB.P.Ed.5
98Health Education and Environmental StudiesB.P.Ed.5
99Olympic MovementB.P.Ed.5
100Yoga EducationB.P.Ed.5
101Methods of Teaching in Physical Education and Educational TechnologyB.P.Ed.9
102Organization, administration and supervision in Physical EducationB.P.Ed.5
103Contemporary issues in physical educationB.P.Ed.5
104Sports trainingB.P.Ed.8
105Computer applications in Physical EducationB.P.Ed.5
106Sports Psychology and SociologyB.P.Ed.5
107Sports Medicine, Physiotherapy and RehabilitationB.P.Ed.5
108Measurement and Evaluation in Physical EducationB.P.Ed.5
109Kinesiology and BiomechanicsB.P.Ed.5
110Research and Statistics in Physical EducationB.P.Ed.5
111Theory of Sports and GamesB.P.Ed.5
112Gender Concepts, Theories and MasculinitiesM.A. Gender Studies6
113Gender , Health NutritionM.A. Gender Studies5
114Gender Representation in Media: Feminist CritiqueM.A. Gender Studies5
115Human Rights and Legal Systems - Gender ConcernsM.A. Gender Studies2
116Mathematical PhysicsM.Sc. Physics5
117Classical MechanicsM.Sc. Physics2
118Thermodynamics and Statistical PhysicsM.Sc. Physics5
119Electromagnetic TheoryM.Sc. Physics7
120Condensed Matter PhysicsM.Sc. Physics1
121Elective III: Physics of Nanomaterials and ApplicationsM.Sc. Physics4
122Practical III: General Physics & Materials Science LaboratoryM.Sc. Physics2
123Lasers and Nonlinear OpticsM.Sc. Physics5
124Nonlinear DynamicsM.Sc. Physics2
125Crystal Growth Methods and CharacterizationM.Sc. Physics3
126Remote SensingM.Tech. Geoinformatics4
127Geographical Information SystemM.Tech. Geoinformatics1
128Digital Image ProcessingM.Tech. Geoinformatics3
129Advances in Geospatial Technologies (Elective V)M.Tech. Geoinformatics3
130Resources Evaluation LabM.Tech. Geoinformatics2
131Research Ethics, Project Management and IPRM.Tech. Geoinformatics2
132Geographical ThoughtM.Sc. Geography (2 Year)2
133Watershed StudiesM.Sc. Geography (2 Year)4
134CartographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) 1
135Physical GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) 1
136Skill Based Elective - Principles of GISM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) 1
137Geographical ThoughtM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) 2
138Watershed StudiesM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) 4
139Knowledge Organization (Theory) - Classification and CataloguingM.Lib.I.Sc5
140Information Technology in Libraries (Theory)M.Lib.I.Sc1
141Management of Library and Information CentresM.Lib.I.Sc3
142Information Processing and Retrieval SystemsM.Lib.I.Sc5
143Electronic Resource Management SystemM.Lib.I.Sc5
144Informetrics and ScientometricsM.Lib.I.Sc5
146Knowledge Organization(Theory)-M.Lib.I.Sc5
147Environmental ChemistryM.Sc. Environmental Science3
148Eco-TourismM.Sc. Environmental Science1
149Biodiversity and ConservationM.Sc. Environmental Science1
150Natural ResourcesM.Sc. Environmental Science2
151Water, Soil Pollution and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science8
152Air Pollution and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science3
153Environmental Impact AssessmentM.Sc. Environmental Science1
154Contemporary Environmental IssuesM.Sc. Environmental Science2
155Solid and Hazardous waste ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science10
156Environmental BiotechnologyM.Sc. Environmental Science1
157Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmental StudiesM.Sc. Environmental Science1
158Forest Ecology and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science5
159Non major Elective-Energy and EnvironmentM.Sc. Environmental Science3
160Entrepreneurship for green productsM.Sc. Environmental Science1
161Environmental ChemistryM.Sc. Biotechnology (Environment)1
162Ecology and Environmental SciencesM.Sc. Biotechnology (Environment)2
163Bioinformatics and StatisticsM.Sc. Biotechnology (Environment)1
164Genetic EngineeringM.Sc. Biotechnology (Environment)3
165Environmental BiotechnologyM.Sc. Biotechnology (Environment)1
166Plant and Animal BiotechnologyM.Sc. Biotechnology (Environment)1
167Entrepreneurship for green productsM.Sc. Biotechnology (Environment)1
168World in the Age of ExtremesM.A. History3
169Colonialism and Nationalism in Modern IndiaM.A. History1
170HistoriographyM.A. History4
171Indian ConstitutionM.A. History2
172Modern GovernmentsM.A. History (5 Year Integrated)3
173Company Rule in India,1757 C.E. - 1857 C.E. (including Map study)M.A. History (5 Year Integrated)1
174British Administration in India, 1857 C.E. - 1947 C.E. (including Map study)M.A. History (5 Year Integrated)2
175History of India From Independence to 1984 C.E.M.A. History (5 Year Integrated)3
176History of Science and Technology in IndiaM.A. History (5 Year Integrated)2
177Science, Technology And SocietyM.A. History (5 Year Integrated)5
178Real Analysis IM.Sc. Mathematics6
179Ordinary Differential EquationsM.Sc. Mathematics5
180Theory of NumbersM.Sc. Mathematics13
181Algebra IM.Sc. Mathematics5
182Algebra IIM.Sc. Mathematics5
183Complex AnalysisM.Sc. Mathematics5
184Measure Theory and IntroductionM.Sc. Mathematics3
185Differential GeometryM.Sc. Mathematics2
186Childhood and Growing UpB.Ed. (CDOE)1
188Critical Understanding of ICT in EducationB.Ed. (CDOE)4
189Environmental EducationB.Ed. (CDOE)1
190Principles of Environmental Science and Sustainable DevelopmentM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management3
191Environmental Pollution and ToxicologyM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management11
192Remote Sensing and GIS M.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management4
193Environmental Impact and Risk AssessmentM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management4
194Geospatial Data Modelling and InformaticsM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management2
195Corporate Environmental strategies - ISO 14000 , OSHAS and LCAM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management4
196Statistics and Numerical MethodsM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management1
197Sustainable EcotourismM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management3
198Ecosystem Services and Sustainable ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management4
199Mrine PollutionM.Sc. Marine Science2
200Fisheries Science and StatisticsM.Sc. Marine Science4
201Practical: Biological Ocenaoghraphy and Fisheries ScienceM.Sc. Marine Science1
202Integrated Coastal Zone ManagementM.Sc. Marine Science1
203MicrobiologyM.Sc. Biotechnology (Specialization in Marine)2
204Cell and Developmental BiologyM.Sc. Biotechnology (Specialization in Marine)2
205Marine Bioresources & AquacultureM.Sc. Biotechnology (Specialization in Marine)3
206Bioprocess TechnologyM.Sc. Biotechnology (Specialization in Marine)2
207Marine BiotechnologyM.Sc. Biotechnology (Specialization in Marine)4
208Psychology for Social Work PracticeM.S.W. (Master of Social Work)2
209Social Work Research and Social StatisticsM.S.W. (Master of Social Work)1
210Management of Welfare OrganizationM.S.W. (Master of Social Work)3
211Specialisation Course - I Health and HygieneM.S.W. (Master of Social Work)5
212Specialisation Course - II - Tribal Community DevelopmentM.S.W. (Master of Social Work)5
213Specialisation Course - II - Mental HealthM.S.W. (Master of Social Work)5
214Elective Course -II - Gerontological Social WorkM.S.W. (Master of Social Work)5
215Introduction to Counselling /Basics of Life SkillsM.S.W. (Master of Social Work)5
216Specialization Course - III - Organisational DevelopmentM.S.W. (Master of Social Work)1
217Specialization Course - IV - Psychiatric Social WorkM.S.W. (Master of Social Work)5
218Elective Course - III - Community HealthM.S.W. (Master of Social Work)5
219Anatomy, Embryology and MorphogenesisM.Sc. Botany5
220Cell Biology and BioinstrumentationM.Sc. Botany13
221Plant BiotechnologyM.Sc. Botany5
222Nursery gardeningM.Sc. Botany1
223Principles of HorticultureM.Sc. Botany1
224Core Course -2: Human Anatomy and PhysiologyM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)6
225Core Course -4: Principles of GeneticsM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)5
226Allied Course -4: MicrobiologyM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)11
227Core Course - 5: Molecular BiologyM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)9
228Core Course - 7: Pharmacology and ToxicologyM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)4
229Skill Based Elective Course-1: BiotechniquesM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)4
230Core Course -9 : Clinical MicrobiologyM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)13
231Core Course -13: Genetic EngineeringM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)1
232Core Choices Course 2: NeurobiologyM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)1
233Core Choices Course 2: Molecular MedicineM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)14
234Core Course-15: Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative MedicineM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)5
235Core Choices Course:3 - Medical VirologyM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)10
236Literary CriticismM.A. English2
237Feminist Theories: An IntroductionM.A. English6
238Research MethodologyM.A. English1
239Literary Theory and CriticismM.A. English1
240PhotogrammetryM.Tech. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System5
241Remote Sensing & GIS in Geology and GeomorphologyM.Tech. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System5
242Geographic Information SystemM.Tech. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System5
243Practical - Remote Sensing & GIS interpretation in Geology and GeomorphologyM.Tech. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System1
244Introduction to Geological technologyM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
245Surveying and CartographyM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)6
246Principles of Remote SensingM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
247Crystallography and MineralogyM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)7
248Igneous and Metamorphic PetrologyM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
249Geographic Information SystemsM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
250Structural GeologyM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
251Geomorphology and GeodynamicsM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
252Geoinformatics in Mineral ExplorationM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
253Geoinformatics in Water ResourcesM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)7
254Practical: Geoinformatics in Water Resources ManagementM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)1
255Elective-VI Marine Geology and Geoinformatics in Sea bed ExplorationM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
256Petroleum GeologyM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
257Geoinformatics in Disaster ManagementM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
258Elective–VIII Geoinformatics in Soil scienceM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
259Thermal and Microwave Remote SensingM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)3
260Geoinformatics in Urban PlanningM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)6
261Elective–X Geoinformatics in Desert GeotechnologyM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
262GIS Based 3D Visualization in Geological TechnologyM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
263Remote Sensing Application in Planetary StudiesM.Tech. Geological Technology & Geoinformatics (6-Year Integrated)5
264Principles of ManagementM.A. Human Resource Management7
265Human Resource ManagementM.A. Human Resource Management1
266Communication Skills for ManagersM.A. Human Resource Management6
267Organizational Behaviour (OR)M.A. Human Resource Management6
268Employee EngagementM.A. Human Resource Management6
269Interpersonal Relations and Soft skills DevelopmentM.A. Human Resource Management6
270Industrial Relations and Collective BargainingM.A. Human Resource Management6
271Managerial EconomicsM.A. Human Resource Management6
272Human Resource DevelopmentM.A. Human Resource Management5
273Training and DevelopmentM.A. Human Resource Management6
274Compensation ManagementM.A. Human Resource Management6
275Counseling and GuidanceM.A. Human Resource Management6
276Personality and Soft Skills Development(NME)M.A. Human Resource Management6
277Research MethodologyM.A. Human Resource Management7
278Labour LawsM.A. Human Resource Management6
279Performance ManagementM.A. Human Resource Management6
280Talent ManagementM.A. Human Resource Management6
281Organizational DevelopmentM.A. Human Resource Management6
282Welfare and SafetyM.A. Human Resource Management5
283Corporate Social ResponsibilityM.A. Human Resource Management6
284Human Resource Information SystemM.A. Human Resource Management6
285Entrepreneurship Development(NME)M.A. Human Resource Management5
286Knowledge ManagementM.A. Human Resource Management6
287Total Quality ManagementM.A. Human Resource Management7
288Information Technology for ManagersM.A. Human Resource Management6
289Entrepreneurship DevelopmentM.A. Human Resource Management5
290Natural Resource ManagementM.A. Human Resource Management6
291Global Human Resource ManagementM.A. Human Resource Management6
292Office ManagementM.A. Human Resource Management6
293Computer Fundamentals and Internet ApplicationsB.C.A. (2020-2021)5
294Office Automation LabB.C.A. (2020-2021)2
295HTML LabB.C.A. (2020-2021)1
296Discrete MathematicsB.C.A. (2020-2021)4
297Desktop Publishing LabB.C.A. (2020-2021)1
298Programming in Java LabB.C.A. (2020-2021)1
299Database Systems LabB.C.A. (2020-2021)1
300PC Administration LabB.C.A. (2020-2021)1
301Operating SystemsB.C.A. (2020-2021)5
302Python ProgrammingB.C.A. (2020-2021)5
303Software EngineeringB.C.A. (2020-2021)5
304Soft skill DevelopmentB.C.A. (2020-2021)5
305Data Communication and NetworksB.C.A. (2020-2021)5
306PHPB.C.A. (2020-2021)5
307PHP LabB.C.A. (2020-2021)1
308Data StructuresB.C.A. (2020-2021)3
309Programming in C LabB.C.A. (2023-2024)1
310Data Structures and Algorithms LabB.C.A. (2023-2024)1
311Animation labB.C.A. (2023-2024)1
312Yoga PracticesB.C.A. (2023-2024)5
313Programming in JavaB.C.A. (2023-2024)4
314Programming in Java LabB.C.A. (2023-2024)1
315Database Management Systems / Digital Logic FundamentalsB.C.A. (2023-2024)5
316Basic AcademicsDiploma in Vocational Training and Development5
317Word ProcessingDiploma in Vocational Training and Development5
318Introduction to Indian Sign LanguageNME : Introduction to Indian Sign Language5
319Prevention of disabilitiesNME : Prevention of disabilities5
320Distribution TheoryM.Sc. Statistics1
321Sampling TheoryM.Sc. Statistics1
322Statistical Inference - IM.Sc. Statistics5
323Statistical Quality Control and Reliability TheoryM.Sc. Statistics2
324Linear Models and Design of ExperimentsM.Sc. Statistics1
325Stochastic Processes and Time Series AnalysisM.Sc. Statistics5
326VAC-1 - Introduction to Machine LearningM.Sc. Statistics1
327Multivariate AnalysisM.Sc. Statistics3
328Operations ResearchM.Sc. Statistics1
329VAC-2 - Introduction to Big Data AnalyticsM.Sc. Statistics5
330Demography and Official StatisticsM.Sc. Statistics1
331Statistical Methods for BioinformaticsM.Sc. Statistics5
332Genetic EngineeringM.Sc. Biotechnology9
333Plant BiotechnologyM.Sc. Biotechnology7
334Genetic EngineeringM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)7
335Elective Core-4 Proteomics / NeurobiologyM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)31
336Cancer BiologyM.Sc. Biomedical Science (5 Year Integrated)10
337Organic Chemistry - IM.Sc. Chemistry1
338Organic Reactions, Spectroscopy and Asymmetric SynthesisM.Sc. Chemistry1
339Retrosynthesis, Natural Products and BiomoleculesM.Sc. Chemistry1