Faculty-wise E-Contents

# Faculty / Author Department Programme Course Code Course Title E-Content
1VIJAYASATHIARAJ JDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) GS038Skill Based Elective - Information Technology
2VIJAYASATHIARAJ JDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) VAC - VArtificial Intelligence for (AI) for Geographical Analysis
3VIJAYASATHIARAJ JDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (2 Year)22GE2PVA2Artificial Intelligence for (AI) for Geographical Analysis
4VIJAYASATHIARAJ JDepartment of GeographyM.Sc. Geography (5 Year Integrated) GE058Elective - Any one for the List
5VIJAYASATHIARAJ JDepartment of GeographyM.Tech. GeoinformaticsVAC-IJavaScript Programming
6VIJAYASATHIARAJ JDepartment of GeographyM.Tech. Geoinformatics24EC03.NET Programming (Elective III)
7VIJAYASATHIARAJ JDepartment of GeographyM.Tech. Geoinformatics24CC12Spatial Database Management