Program-Wise E-Contents

# Programme Department Course Code Course Title Faculty / Author E-Content
1M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC15Disaster StudiesSIVA KUMAR P
2M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC06Applied ClimatologySIVA KUMAR P
3M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC06Applied ClimatologySIVA KUMAR P
4M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC11Urban GeographySIVA KUMAR P
5M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC11Urban GeographySIVA KUMAR P
6M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC11Urban GeographySIVA KUMAR P
7M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PVA2Artificial Intelligence for (AI) for Geographical AnalysisVIJAYASATHIARAJ J
8M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC14Research Methodology & IPRLATHA S
9M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC14Research Methodology & IPRLATHA S
10M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC14Research Methodology & IPRLATHA S
11M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC14Research Methodology & IPRLATHA S
12M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC14Research Methodology & IPRLATHA S
13M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC14Research Methodology & IPRLATHA S
14M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC14Research Methodology & IPRLATHA S
15M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC14Research Methodology & IPRLATHA S
16M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC02Population GeographyLATHA S
17M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC02Population GeographyLATHA S
18M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC02Population GeographyLATHA S
19M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC02Population GeographyLATHA S
20M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC02Population GeographyLATHA S
21M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC02Population GeographyLATHA S
22M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC02Population GeographyLATHA S
23M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC02Population GeographyLATHA S
24M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC02Population GeographyLATHA S
25M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC02Population GeographyLATHA S
26M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC07Geographical ThoughtMASILAMANI P
27M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC07Geographical ThoughtMASILAMANI P
28M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC10Watershed StudiesMASILAMANI P
29M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC10Watershed StudiesMASILAMANI P
30M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC10Watershed StudiesMASILAMANI P
31M.Sc. Geography (2 Year)Department of Geography22GE2PC10Watershed StudiesMASILAMANI P