Faculty-wise E-Contents

# Faculty / Author Department Programme Course Code Course Title E-Content
1KADALMANI BDepartment of Animal ScienceM.Sc. Zoology22ZOOC11Structure and Function of Invertebrates
2KADALMANI BDepartment of Animal ScienceM.Sc. Zoology22ZOOC21Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
3KADALMANI BDepartment of Animal ScienceM.Sc. Zoology22ZOOC12Cell Biology
4KADALMANI BDepartment of Animal ScienceM.Sc. Zoology22ZOOC33Animal Physiology
5KADALMANI BDepartment of Animal ScienceM.Sc. Zoology22ZOOVC33Biostatistics
6KADALMANI BDepartment of Animal ScienceM.Sc. Zoology22ZOOME22Reproductive Technology
7KADALMANI BDepartment of Animal ScienceM.Sc. Zoology22ZOONME33Molecular Evolution