Faculty-wise E-Contents

# Faculty / Author Department Programme Course Code Course Title E-Content
1MUTHUCHAMY IDepartment of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC5Communication Skills and Academic Writing
2MUTHUCHAMY IDepartment of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC7Guidance and Counselling
3MUTHUCHAMY IDepartment of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC10ATeacher Education: Perspectives, Prospects and Innovations
4MUTHUCHAMY IDepartment of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC14Inclusive Education: Perspectives, Principles and Practices
5MUTHUCHAMY IDepartment of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC3Introduction to Educational Research
6MUTHUCHAMY IDepartment of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC3Introduction to Educational Research
7MUTHUCHAMY IDepartment of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC3Introduction to Educational Research
8MUTHUCHAMY IDepartment of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC10ATeacher Education: Perspectives, Prospects and Innovations
9MUTHUCHAMY IDepartment of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.ETEDVAC1Extra Disciplinary Course* NME / Extra Disciplinary Course** ( ETEDVAC1)