Faculty-wise E-Contents

# Faculty / Author Department Programme Course Code Course Title E-Content
1KASINATHAN O Department of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC9Educational Administration: Principles and Practices
2KASINATHAN O Department of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC6Curriculum Design and Development
3KASINATHAN O Department of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC9Educational Administration: Principles and Practices
4KASINATHAN O Department of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC13Pedagogy and Instructional Design
5KASINATHAN O Department of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC13Pedagogy and Instructional Design
6KASINATHAN O Department of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC13Pedagogy and Instructional Design
7KASINATHAN O Department of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC6Curriculum Design and Development
8KASINATHAN O Department of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC12Advanced Research Methodology and Educational Statistics
9KASINATHAN O Department of Educational TechnologyM.Ed.CC12Advanced Research Methodology and Educational Statistics