Program-Wise E-Contents

# Programme Department Course Code Course Title Faculty / Author E-Content
1M.Sc. Artificial IntelligenceDepartment of Computer ScienceMAI24033Big Data AnalyticsGEORGE DHARMA PRAKASH RAJ E
2M.Sc. Artificial IntelligenceDepartment of Computer ScienceMAI24031Deep LearningKALAIVANI S
3M.Sc. Artificial IntelligenceDepartment of Computer ScienceMAI24011Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceSUMATHY P
4M.Sc. Artificial IntelligenceDepartment of Computer ScienceMAI24011Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceSUMATHY P
5M.Sc. Artificial IntelligenceDepartment of Computer ScienceMAI24022Machine LearningDURAIRAJ M
6M.Sc. Artificial IntelligenceDepartment of Computer ScienceMAI24012Design & Analysis of AlgorithmsGEETHA K
7M.Sc. Artificial IntelligenceDepartment of Computer ScienceMAI24015Elective–ISHAKEELA N
8M.Sc. Artificial IntelligenceDepartment of Computer ScienceMAI24023Data VisualizationSHAKEELA N