Faculty-wise E-Contents

# Faculty / Author Department Programme Course Code Course Title E-Content
1DURAIRAJ MDepartment of Computer ScienceM.Sc. Data ScienceMDS24011Principles of Data Science
2DURAIRAJ MDepartment of Computer ScienceM.Sc. Computer ScienceMCS24032Agile Technology
3DURAIRAJ MDepartment of Computer ScienceM.Sc. Computer ScienceMCS24032Agile Technology
4DURAIRAJ MDepartment of Computer ScienceM.C.A.MCA24204Elective – I
5DURAIRAJ MDepartment of Computer ScienceM.Sc. Artificial IntelligenceMAI24022Machine Learning
6DURAIRAJ MDepartment of Computer ScienceM.Sc. Computer ScienceMCS24024Machine Learning (or) Digital Image Processing (or) Natural Language Processing
7DURAIRAJ MDepartment of Computer ScienceM.Sc. Computer ScienceMCS24033Big data Analytics
8DURAIRAJ MDepartment of Computer ScienceM.Sc. Data ScienceMDS24023Big Data Analytics Framework