Faculty-wise E-Contents

# Faculty / Author Department Programme Course Code Course Title E-Content
1MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGCC01Principles of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development
2MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGCC01Principles of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development
3MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGCC01Principles of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development
4MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGCC07Corporate Environmental strategies - ISO 14000 , OSHAS and LCA
5MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGCC07Corporate Environmental strategies - ISO 14000 , OSHAS and LCA
6MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGCC07Corporate Environmental strategies - ISO 14000 , OSHAS and LCA
7MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGCC07Corporate Environmental strategies - ISO 14000 , OSHAS and LCA
8MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGEC04-1Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Management
9MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGEC04-1Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Management
10MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGEC04-1Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Management
11MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGEC04-1Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Management
12MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGCC04Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment
13MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGCC04Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment
14MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGCC04Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment
15MOHANRAJ RDepartment of Environmental Science and ManagementM.Sc. Environmental Science and Sustainable Management21PGCC04Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment